viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Starting at Javeriana

When I had the chance to settle in, I had planned to meet my research director, Doctora Marcela Arrivillaga, at La Javeriana university where I would soon begin my investigation. As I walked through the university to meet her, I actually felt I was walking through the AMAZON jungle. But of course this Amazon-like place would not be perfect without all those MOSQUITOS. Not even the first week went by, and I counted at least 60 BITES on both of my legs. I soon had bites on my feet, arms, and hands. Those mosquitos just could not get enough of me. SRATCHING was the name of my game.

Walking through the university, I saw so many green plants and trees of every kind. The plants were along the small STREAMS running through the university. There were small MONKEYS and red SQUIRRELS. I also saw BIRDS and DUCKS of all colors. They gave lots of life to the university. The one bird that gave the most life were definitely the PEACOCKS which roamed around. The peacocks walked as if they owned the university- standing along walkways and in front of doorways. It made me laugh everytime I saw it.

 These are a few of my animal friends around the university:

< Senor peacock >

The university itself was just a pretty as all the scenery that surrounded it. It was so nice to just walk around the university campus on any day during the week. Here are some pictures of the campus:

I soon arrived at the office of the director. I found out that most professors were spoken to on a FIRST NAME basis. So when I arrived to speak with "Marcela", we spoke about the research project and the work that I would be doing. Marcela told me that the research group was designing a pilot study for POOR women infected with HIV in Cali. She explained that we would be specifically designing a WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT intervention based on microfinancing and education strategies for the infected women. I absolutely LOVED this topic and was anxious to start the research and design phase with the group right away. I was soon introduced to the rest of the group (which were all very friendly) and my very own OFFICE. I felt pretty official- my own desk and my own computer.

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