lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Going up to Cristo Rey

Hola a todos de nuevo! It has been a while since I last wrote...

Although I devote most of my time to doing research, most of my weekends have been devoted to exploring the city and nearby areas. I recently went up to CRISTO REY, which is an exact replica of the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro (but smaller, of courssse). Here are a few pics of the statue... and me doing my thing like always ha!

< Cristo Rey >

                                                               ^ View of Cali from Cristo Rey

One pretty awesome part of going up to Cristo Rey, was the actual road we took to get up to it. Along the road, there were these ROCKS with different PAINTED sculptures EMBEDDED within them. It was the first time I have ever seen something like this, especially so casually on the side of the road. Apparently, the guy who does this is this great artist who wanted to "beautify" the road up to Cristo Rey, as well as the living spaces of the residents nearby. Check this stuff out!

Let's just say that this guy has got some serious talent...

2 comentarios:

  1. mini you are SO CUTE! I'm so happy you are keeping up with the blog - you're doing a great job. That view from the mountain is incredible. Love u mucho - Margie

  2. uhh that is supposed to say mOni :)
