sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

Arriving in Cali

Looking outside my airplane window once I landed in Cali, I was EXCITED and READY and ANXIOUS all at once.  I knew that this would be the beginning of a new chapter of my life.  At the airport, Fabiola (mother) and Gisella (daughter) picked me up. With big smiling faces and a sign that said MONICA, we quickly found each other. As we drove through the city to the house, Fabiola and Giselle did an amazing job of showing/guiding me through me the city. I also quickly learned of the DOs/DONTs of Cali, given that it has its own dangers and risks. Once we arrived at the house, I noted that location of the house was very convenientally located near a park, mall, grocery store, and university. The house itself reminded me of the typical Colombian house design and decoration. It had an amazing DECK upstairs with a nice view of the nearby mountains. It was great.

< The front of the house

^                               House balcony                        ^

To top things off, I would have my VERY OWN bedroom and bathroom with a view of the city. I LOVED it.

 < My room

After leaving my suitcases at the house, Fabiola, Giselle, and I went to a very colonial part of Cali, called San Antonio, for some Colombian COFFEE and dessert. As soon as we arrived there, I was IN LOVE. At the top of a steep hill, was the Cathedral of San Antonio which had a spectacular view of the city. Aside from all the adorable small shops and restaurants, San Antonio was swarmed with ARTISANS selling their crafts and jewlery. There were also many FOODSTANDS selling typical Caleno foods.
Catherdral of San Antonio                                     View of Cali from San Antonio

I also caught a few minutes of the CUENTEROS, which are the city's storytellers who can go on telling stories for a few hours a night. There were a good couple hundred people gathered there listening at laughing at the stories they heard.

< @ Cuenteros

When we got back home, I immediately dropped in my bed and fell asleep. With all the travels and activity that day, I thought I would sleep until late...late...the next morning. I thought this would be a great way to welcome Cali the next morning. Well, I was wrong. About 6am that next morning I felt a strong shake, one that I could not distinguish right away. As I heard people's voices outside screaming and talking out loud, I realized that I was in the middle of (my first ever) EARTHQUAKE. By the time I was fully aware of what was happening, it had passed.

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

The day I leave to Colombia

The day I left to Colombia, I woke up with so many things on my mind but one thing was clear, I was READY to go. On our drive from Boerne to Austin, my mom and I went through all my checklist to make sure I had everything. I knew that I had packed everything- well that's what I thought- until my mom asked me if I had remembered to bring the bag containing important medication for a family friend with cancer. OH MY GOSH, it had left it at home! I thought no problem, we can send it by mail. WRONG. My mom said this medication could not be sent because of all the regulations with sending this medication overseas. I know there was someone who needed this asap. I immediately thought of all the ways to get that bag. Driving back to Boerne? Not enough time. Changing my flight departure time? Too many risks- it was raining. Cancelling my flight? Too much of a loss. Have my mom drive to Houston (where I had a layover for 4 hours)? Toooooo crazy. My mom told me not to worry about it, and that all would get resolved eventually. That was not a good enough answer for me, but there was no other viable option.
Next thing you know, I had said my goodbyes and was on the airplane. At my layover in Houston, I had planned to meet a friend for a few hours to catch up before my flight to Colombia took off. Since I did not have a phone, we said we would meet at the Continental pick up zone. This was THE PLAN. Well, there I was at the pick up zone for 5 min...10 min...30 min... then 1 hour...nothing. A man at the pick up zone offered I use his cellphone (kinda shocking because he just gave it to me, said be right back, and just left for a bit). He came back and we started chatting.Next thing you know, he said he was from CALI, COLOMBIA- the very city I am going to. He says hold on and this time comes back with a lady in the airport who is from BARRANQUILLA, COLOMBIA. We then talked about the awesomeness of Colombia. What were the chances? About 30 min. later, my friend and I finally found each other but were only able to talk in the car for 15 min. because she was going to be late to work.
I was soon on my way to COLOMBIA- first to Bogota to see my family, and then off to Cali the next day. While on the plane, I did not talk to anyone because according to my mom, on a flight to Colombia, you should ONLY talk to the flight attendant and go to the bathroom (with your purse of course)...Ya its MY MOM.... As soon as I landed in Bogota, I met my cousin and a friend of hers from Brazil. When I hopped into her car, I realized I had LOST one of my favorite earrings that I was wearing. "Oh well", I thought, "I am (finally) in Colombia and am bound to find a new favorite pair of earrings".
That night we stayed talking late with my cousins and caught up quite a bit. That next morning, I woke up and was excited to go to CALI. On our way out, my cousins walks up to me with a BLANK face saying there was a big PROBLEM- her dad had taken the car that I had left my suitcase in! She instantly called her dad, a university professor, who immediately CANCELLED the class he was teaching. I was so EMBARRASED. He said he would meet us in 10 min to drop off the suitcase but with that BAD traffic in Bogota on Saturdays, things got HECTIC. After almost an hour waiting, we met up and was rushed to the airport "Colombian style". For those of you that don't know, this is going the WRONGWAY on a ONEWAY street, turning in a NO TURN lane, and TAILGATING cars so close that you don't want to look. Ya everything is possible in Colombia...Finally, with 5 min lef to checkin, I arrived at the airport. With a quick hug and kiss goodbye, I rushed to the airplane and was finally on my way to CALI!